So. Remember this guy?? My kindergartner?
Well, suddenly, or not so suddenly {I'm not sure} he can read. He can write. He can make detailed drawings. He knows the Latin word for cold and lion and sun.
But mostly, he LOVES to write. He writes notes to his daddy and I when he is happy, when he's sad, when he's mad. Often we find a Noah height note on his bedroom door that says 'Closed' when he is busy playing. He tells me when he grows up he will write books. I love it.
Recently, he wrote a little book. It was a book about a brother and sister monkey, and their terribly messy room. {Imagine!!} With my help, he stapled it together, and he also illustrated it. Other children can actually check it out from their library at his school. How cute is that?
Noah, I love you, and I hope that someday you grow up and write many books. Dedicate one to your ole' mom, won't you?

Oh, my Noah, how you've grown. I can't wait to come see you so we can write and read together. I love you! your Martha
These are just beautiful!
I am looking to network with other Momma photographer/artists. I hope you don't mind me commenting. :)
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