I am a very happy June GreeblePix Finalist! (a prestigious, online photo contest) Please vote for me, if you like my photo! I would really appreciate your votes!!
Cute girls, cute clothes. These kiddos are extremely lucky to have a mother with such talent! Jesse, of 3 Gigglin' Girls is as sweet to work with as she is talented. She made her daughters' outfits just for this photoshoot! If you or someone you know is looking for some seriously cute girl threads, you need to check her out.
I recently did a session with the girls, and this is a sneak peek for their mom. Enjoy! (more to come.)
I am behind in making this blog post...but it is so worth the wait! I loved working with this darling family. They were a referral from a long time client of mine. Yay for word of mouth! They also made a bit of a drive for these photos...and for that I am thankful.
How sweet are they? Thank you 'J' family! I hope you love your photos.
One month...what a milestone! I was so thrilled when a friend and colleague of mine asked me to take her new baby boy's one month photos. Isn't he the sleepiest, sweetest little darling? And smiles to boot!
is SIX today! This is big big stuff, people. I awoke EARLY this morning to a finger lightly tapping my cheek: "It's morning mommy...the sky is blue and the sun is out. And I'm SIIIIXX!!"
To honor and commemorate this milestone in my son's life, we both sat down and I interviewed him earlier this afternoon. This is what he shared with me:
Me: What do you like most about yourself, Noah?
Noah: I like my healing powers. When I hurt my eye it got better so fast! That is amazing.
Me: What would you like to be when you grow up?
Noah: I would really like to be an author.
Me: Oh? What kinds of things will you write?
Noah: a bunch of kids stories; the kind that grownups read to kids.
Me: What is your favorite thing to do?
Noah: I like video games and dressing up.
Me: What is your favorite color?
Noah: I love all the colors but mostly green.
Me: favorite food?
Noah: Chinese! I think I might be Chinese.
Me: favorite movie?
Noah: The Princess and the Frog! I love the music in that movie.
Me: What did you like most about kindergarten?
Noah: Lunch.
Me: What did you like the least about Kindergarten?
Noah: Messing up on my dot-to-dots.
Me: What is the hardest thing you've ever done?
Noah: Mario Cart is really hard...and also being brave around wasps and bees.
Me: What would you do with $100?
Noah: I would keep it in my piggy bank.
Me: If you could have one wish, what would it be?
Noah: ...to stay with my family forever.
Me: What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
Noah: Mrs. Guenther (best kindergarten teacher EVER) helped comfort me when I hurt my head at recess.
Me: If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
Noah: How do you exist if noone made you?
There you have it...a small peek into the heart of my Noah. I am quite convinced he is a little old man in a child's body sometimes.
Stay tuned for pictures from the grand birthday party and his "Nightmare Before Christmas" themed cake!
Please view the slide show below...celebrating my new six year old. Happy birthday sweet boy. You are loved.
Hello! Welcome to Joyful Photography's blog. Come take a peek at some of my most recent sessions, news, my life, and all other things joyful! Make sure to leave a comment or two!
I am a mother, wife, sister, reader, seeker, artist, friend, sign language interpreter, photographer, and much more. I hope to illustrate a piece of your life with you.