Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just one good one for mommy? Please??

I have often wondered why it is always so darn difficult for me to get a good photo of my own offspring!! Despite this fact, I think I obtained a few good ones today. Oh, and in case those that know me are confused or curious--no--I did not suddenly have another child. The oldest child we are fostering. I must say, she fits in with our crew pretty naturally! ♥ She's already friends with the camera.

Also, I offer special thanks to my sweet and ever patient husband, the slapstick comedian for the shoot.

my kiddos




my kiddos


my kiddos

my kiddos

my kiddos

my kiddos

my kiddos


Liz said...

Those are great!! I really love the ones on the train tacks and I'm sure Chase will too! Good Job!!

Jen said...

Wonderful shots Sarah! Love the ones of them sitting on the tracks!

Anonymous said...

These are great pics of your kids! What a kind heart you have to foster a child!

Mama Ferris said...

Love and miss you guys!!! Great Pics.