So, my gift to myself last week for working so hard was to purchase a new lens. (I had eight shoots on Saturday and Sunday alone-thank you everybody!) For those enthusiasts (or not) that care, the lens is an 85 1.8. I LOVE it! My oldest and only and dearest son (aka 'Hambone') let me take him out the other day to play with it a bit. He said that he felt 'handsome' in his hat. Lol! So, here are some of those quickie shots...I can't wait to play more!

In other news, as some of you know, I had approx. 638 Halloween mini sessions last weekend. ( Ü ) I offer up a big 'thank you!!' to those that helped make them a big success! In my next post I will feature some of my favorite shots from those fun sessions...stay tuned!